Jambu Monyet (ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE) termasuk tumbuhan yang berkeping biji dua atau juga disebut tumbuhan berbiji belah. Nama yang tepat untuk mengklasifikasikan tumbuhan ini adalah tumbuhan yang berdaun lembaga dua atau ddisebut juga dikotil. Jambu monyet mempunyai batang pohon yang tidak rata dan berwarna coklat tua. Daunnya bertangkai pendek dan berbentuk lonjong (bulat telur) dengan tepian berlekuk-lekuk, dan guratan rangka daunnya terlihat jelas. Bunganya berwarna putih. Bagian buahnya yang membesar, berdaging lunak, berair,dan berwarna kuning kemerah-merahan adalah buah semu. Bagian itu bukan buah sebenarnya, tetapi merupakan tangkai buah yang membesar. Buah jambu monyet yang sebenarnya biasa disebut mete (mente), yaitu buah batu yang berbentuk ginjal dengan kulit keras dan bijinya yang berkeping dua tersebut oleh kulit yang mengandung getah.
Nama Lokal :
Cashew (Inggris), Jambu Moyet, Jamu mente (Indonesia); Jambu mete (Jawa), Jambu mede (Sunda), Gaju (Lampung)
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Diabetes melitus, Disentri, Radang mulut;
Komposisi :
KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Jambu monyet (ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE) antara lain mengandung senyawa kimia seperti tanim, anacardic acid dan cardol, yang bermanfaat sebagai antibakteri dan antiseptik. Selain itu daun jambu monyet yang masih muda juga mempunyai komposisi kandungan kimia seperti vitamin A sebesar 2689 SI per 100 gram, vitamin C sebesar 65 gram per 100 gram, kalori 73 gram per 100 gram, protein 4,6 gram per 100 gram, lemak 0,5 gram per 100 gram, hidrat arang 16,3 gram per 100 gram, kalsium 33 miligram per 100 gram, fosfor 64 miligram per 100 gram, besi 8,9 miligram dan air 78 gram per 100 gram.
1. Diabetes mellitus
Bahan: 2 potong kulit batang jambu monyet dan adas pulawaras
Cara Membuat: Kedua bahan tersebut direbus bersama dengan 2 liter
air sampai mendidih, kemudian disaring untuk diambil airnya.
Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore.
2. Disentri
Bahan: 1 genggam daun jambu monyet dan 1 potong kulit batang
jambu monyet.
Cara Membuat: Kedua bahan tersebut direbus bersama dengan 1 1/2
liter air sampai mendidih, kemudian disaring untuk diambil airnya.
Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore.
3. Radang mulut
Bahan: 1 genggam daun jambu monyet dan 1 potong kulit batang
jambu monyet.
Cara Membuat: Kedua bahan tersebut direbus bersama dengan 1 liter
air sampai mendidih, kemudian disaring untuk diambil airnya.
Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore.
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Apel (Pyrus malus) dapat hidup subur di daerah yang mempunyai temperatur udara dingin. Tumbuhan ini di Eropa dibudidayakan terutama di daerah subtropis bagian Utara. Sedang apel lokal di Indonesia yang terkenal berasal dari daerah Malang, Jawa Timur. Atau juga berasal dari daerah Gunung Pangrango, Jawa Barat. Di Indonesia, apel dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik apabila dibudidayakan pada daerah yang mempunyai ketinggian sekitar 1200 meter di atas permukaan laut. Tumbuhan apel dikatagorikan sebagai salah satu anggota keluarga mawar-mawaran dan mempunyai tinggi batang pohon dapat mencapai 7-10 meter. Daun apel sangat mirip dengan daun tumbuhan bunga mawar. Berbentuk bulat telur dan dihiasi gerigi-gerigi kecil pada tepiannya. Pada usia produktif, apel biasanya akan berbunga pada sekitar bulan Juli. Buah apel yang berukuran macam-macam tersebut sebenarnya merupakan bunga yang membesar atau mengembang sehingga menjadi buah yang padat dan berisi.
Nama Lokal :
Apel (Indonesia, Malang), Apple (Inggris), Appel (Perancis)
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Kencing manis (diabetes mellitus), Diare;
Komposisi :
KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Buah apel (Pyrus malus) selain mempunyai kandungan senyawa pektin juga mengandung zat gizi, antara lain (per 100 gram) : - Kalori 58 kalori - Hidrat arang 14,9 gram - Lemak 0,4 gram - Protein 0,3 gram - Kalsium 6 mg - Fosfor 10 mg - Besi 0,3 mg - Vitamin A 90 SI - Vitamin B1 0,04 mg - Vitamin C 5 mg - dan Air 84 %
1. Diabetes Mellitus
Bahan: 1 biji buah apel berukuran sedang.
Cara membuat : dibelah menjadi 4 bagian dan direbus dengan air 3-4
gelas sampai mendidih hingga tinggal 2 gelas.
Cara menggunakan : diminum pagi-sore, dan dilakukan secara rutin.
2. Diare
Bahan: buah apel yang belum begitu masak.
Cara menggunakan: dimakan biasa.
Pemanfaatan KUNYIT
(Curcuma longa
Curcuma domestica Val. C. domestica Rumph. C. longa Auct. |
Zingiberaceae |
Kunyit (Curcuma domestic) termasuk salah satu tanaman rempah dan obat, habitat asli tanaman ini meliputi wilayah Asia khususnya Asia Tenggara. Tanaman ini kemudian mengalami persebaran ke daerah Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia bahkan Afrika. Hampir setiap orang Indonesia dan India serta bangsa Asia umumnya pernah mengkonsumsi tanaman rempah ini, baik sebagai pelengkap bumbu masakan, jamu atau untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kecantikan. |
Lokal :
Saffron (Inggris), Kurkuma (Belanda), Kunyit (Indonesia); Kunir (Jawa), Koneng (Sunda), Konyet (Madura); |
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Diabetes melitus, Tifus, Usus buntu, Disentri, Sakit keputihan; Haid tidak lancar, Perut mulas saat haid, Memperlancar ASI; Amandel, Berak lendir, Morbili, Cangkrang (Waterproken);
Diabetes melitus, Tifus, Usus buntu, Disentri, Sakit keputihan; Haid tidak lancar, Perut mulas saat haid, Memperlancar ASI; Amandel, Berak lendir, Morbili, Cangkrang (Waterproken);
Komposisi :
KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Kunyit mengandung senyawa yang berkhasiat obat, yang disebut kurkuminoid yang terdiri dari kurkumin, desmetoksikumin dan bisdesmetoksikurkumin dan zat- zat manfaat lainnya Kandungan Zat : Kurkumin : R1 = R2 = OCH3 10 % Demetoksikurkumin : R1 = OCH3, R2 = H 1 - 5 % Bisdemetoksikurkumin: R1 = R2 = H sisanya Minyak asiri / Volatil oil (Keton sesquiterpen, turmeron, tumeon 60%, Zingiberen 25%, felandren, sabinen, borneol dan sineil ) Lemak 1 -3 %, Karbohidrat 3 %, Protein 30%, Pati 8%, Vitamin C 45-55%, Garam-garam Mineral (Zat besi, fosfor, dan kalsium) sisanya
KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Kunyit mengandung senyawa yang berkhasiat obat, yang disebut kurkuminoid yang terdiri dari kurkumin, desmetoksikumin dan bisdesmetoksikurkumin dan zat- zat manfaat lainnya Kandungan Zat : Kurkumin : R1 = R2 = OCH3 10 % Demetoksikurkumin : R1 = OCH3, R2 = H 1 - 5 % Bisdemetoksikurkumin: R1 = R2 = H sisanya Minyak asiri / Volatil oil (Keton sesquiterpen, turmeron, tumeon 60%, Zingiberen 25%, felandren, sabinen, borneol dan sineil ) Lemak 1 -3 %, Karbohidrat 3 %, Protein 30%, Pati 8%, Vitamin C 45-55%, Garam-garam Mineral (Zat besi, fosfor, dan kalsium) sisanya
1. Diabetes mellitus
Bahan: 3 rimpang kunyit, 1/2 sendok the
Cara membuat: kedua bahan tersebut direbus
dengan 1 liter air
sampai mendidih, kemudian disaring.
Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali seminggu
1/2 gelas.
2. Tifus
Bahan: 2 rimpang kunyit, 1 bonggol sere, 1
lembar daun sambiloto
Cara membuat: Semua bahan tersebut ditumbuk
halus dan dipipis,
kemudian ditambah 1 gelas air masak yang
masih hangat, dan di
Cara mengunakan: diminum, dan dilakukan
selama 1 minggu
3. Usus buntu
Bahan: 1 rimpang kunyit, 1 butir buah jeruk
nipis, 1 potong gula
kelapa/aren. Garam secukupnya.
Cara membuat: Kunyit diparut dan jeruk
nipis diperas, kemudian
dicampur dengan bahan yang lain dan disedu
dengan 1 gelas air
panas, kemudian disaring.
Cara menggunakan:diminum setiap pagi
setelah makan, secara
4. Disentri
Bahan: 1-2 rimpang kunyit, gambir dan kapur
sirih secukupnya
Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut direbus
dengan 2 gelas air
sampai mendidih hingga tinggal 1 gelas
kemudian disaring.
Cara menggunakan:diminum dan diulangi
sampai sembuh.
5. Sakit Keputihan
Bahan: 2 rimpang kunyit, 1 genggam daun
beluntas, 1 gagang buah
asam, 1 potong gula kelapa/aren
Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut direbus
dengan 1 liter air
sampai mendidih, kemudian di saring.
Cara menggunakan:diminum 1 gelas sehari.
6. Haid tidak lancar
Bahan: 2 rimpang kunyit, 1/2 sendok Teh
ketumbar, 1/2 sendok Teh
biji pala, 1/2 genggam daun srigading.
Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut ditumbuk
halus kemudian
direbus dengan 1 liter air sampai mendidih,
kemudian disaring
Cara menggunakan:diminum 1 gelas sehari.
7. Perut mulas pada saat haid
Bahan: 1 rimpang kunyit sebesar 4 cm, 1
rimpang jahe sebesar 4 cm,
1/2 rimpang kencur sebesar 4 cm
Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut dicuci
bersih dan diparut
untuk diambil airnya, kemudian di tambah
dengan perasan jeruk
nipis, diseduh dengan 1/2 gelas air panas
dan disaring.
Cara menggunakan:ditambah garam dan gula
secukupnya dan
diminum pada hari pertama haid.
8. Memperlancar ASI
Bahan: 1 rimpang kunyit
Cara membuat: kunyit ditumbuk sampai halus
Cara menggunakan: dioleskan sebagai kompres
diseputar buah dada
1 kali setiap 2 hari.
9. Cangkrang (Waterproken)
Bahan: 2 rimpang kunyit, 1 genggam daun
Cara Membuat: semua bahan tersebut ditumbuk
sampai halus
Cara menggunakan: dioleskan pada bagian
yang kena cangkrang.
10. Amandel
Bahan: 1 rimpang kunyit, 1 butir jeruk
nipis, 2 sendok madu
Cara membuat: Kunyit diparut, jeruk
diperas untuk diambil airnya,
kemudian dicampur dengan madu dan 1/2
gelas air hangat, diaduk
sampai merata dan disaring
Cara menggunakan:diminum secara rutin 2
hari sekali.
11. Berak lendir
Bahan: 1 rimpang kunyit, 1 potong gambir,
1/4 sendok makan
kapur sirih
Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut direbus
bersama dengan 2
gelas air sampai mendidih hingga tinggal 1
gelas dan disaring.
Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari
1/2 gelas, pagi dan sore.
12. Morbili
Bahan: 1 rimpang kunyit dan 1 rimpang
dringo bengle
Cara membuat: kedua bahan tersebut
ditumbuk bersama sampai
Cara menggunakan:dioleskan pada seluruh
badan sebagai bedak
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Wortel untuk kesehatan jantung
Wortel (Daucus carota) adalah tumbuhan sayur yang ditanam sepanjang tahun. Terutama di daerah pegunungan yang memiliki suhu udara dingin dan lembab, kurang lebih pada ketinggian 1200 ineter di atas permukaan laut.
Tumbuhan wortel mernbutuhkan sinar matahari dan dapat turnbuh pada sernua musim. Wortel mempunyai batang daun basah yang berupa sekumpulan pelepah (tangkai daun) yang muncul dari pangkal buah bagian atas (umbi akar), mirip daun seledri.
Wortel menyukai tanah yang gembur dan subur. Menurut para botanis, wortel (Daucus carota) dapat dibedakan atas beberapa jenis, di antaranya: WORTEL (Daucus carota, Linn.) - jenis imperator, yakni wortel yang memiliki umbi akar berukuran panjang dengan ujung meruncing dan rasanya kurang manis. - jenis chantenang, yakni wortel yang memiliki umbi akar berbentuk bulat panjang dan rasanya manis. - jenis mantes, yakni wortel hasil kornbinasi dari jenis wortel imperator dan chantenang. Umbi akar wortel berwarna khas oranye.
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati oleh wortel:
Kejang Jantung, Eksim, Cacing Kremi, Mata minus
Komposisi :
KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Wortel (Daucus carota) mempunyai nilai kandungan Vitamin A yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 12000 SI. Sementara komposisi kandungan unsur yang lain adalah kalori sebesar 42 kalori, protein 1,2 gram, lemak 0,3 gram, hidrat arang 9,3 gram, kalsium 39 miligram, fosfor 37 miligram, besi 0,8 miligram, vitamin B 1 0,06 miligram, dan vitamin C 6 miligram. Komposisi di atas diukur per 100 gram.
Pemanfaatan Wortel untuk pengobatan :
1. Kejang Jantung
Bahan: umbi wortel, 2 sendok madu, dan 1 potong gula aren;
Cara membuat: wortel diparut dan diperas dengan 2 gelas air,
kemudian dioplos dengan bahan lainnya sampai merata;
Cara menggunakan: diminum 1 kali sehari.
2. Eksim
a. Bahan:1 umbi wortel dan 1 sendok teh kapur sirih;
Cara membuat: wortel diparut dan dicarnpur dengan kapur sirih
sampai merata;
Cara menggunakan: ditempelkan pada bagian yang sakit dan
dibalut dengan verban.
b. Bahan: 3 umbi wortel;
Cara membuat: diparut dan disedu dengan 2 gelas air masak;
Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari.
3. Cacing Kremi
Bahan: 5-7 umbi wortel, garam dan santan kelapa secukupnya;
Cara membuat: wortel diparut, kemudian ditambah dengan bahan
Cara menggunakan: diperas dan disaring, kemudian diminum
menjelang tidur malam.
4. Mata Minus
Bahan: umbi wortel secukupnya;
Cara membuat: diparut dan diperas untuk diambil airnya;
Cara menggunakan: diminurn setiap pagi hari secara teratur.
Tumbuhan wortel mernbutuhkan sinar matahari dan dapat turnbuh pada sernua musim. Wortel mempunyai batang daun basah yang berupa sekumpulan pelepah (tangkai daun) yang muncul dari pangkal buah bagian atas (umbi akar), mirip daun seledri.
Wortel menyukai tanah yang gembur dan subur. Menurut para botanis, wortel (Daucus carota) dapat dibedakan atas beberapa jenis, di antaranya: WORTEL (Daucus carota, Linn.) - jenis imperator, yakni wortel yang memiliki umbi akar berukuran panjang dengan ujung meruncing dan rasanya kurang manis. - jenis chantenang, yakni wortel yang memiliki umbi akar berbentuk bulat panjang dan rasanya manis. - jenis mantes, yakni wortel hasil kornbinasi dari jenis wortel imperator dan chantenang. Umbi akar wortel berwarna khas oranye.
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati oleh wortel:
Kejang Jantung, Eksim, Cacing Kremi, Mata minus
Komposisi :
KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Wortel (Daucus carota) mempunyai nilai kandungan Vitamin A yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 12000 SI. Sementara komposisi kandungan unsur yang lain adalah kalori sebesar 42 kalori, protein 1,2 gram, lemak 0,3 gram, hidrat arang 9,3 gram, kalsium 39 miligram, fosfor 37 miligram, besi 0,8 miligram, vitamin B 1 0,06 miligram, dan vitamin C 6 miligram. Komposisi di atas diukur per 100 gram.
Pemanfaatan Wortel untuk pengobatan :
1. Kejang Jantung
Bahan: umbi wortel, 2 sendok madu, dan 1 potong gula aren;
Cara membuat: wortel diparut dan diperas dengan 2 gelas air,
kemudian dioplos dengan bahan lainnya sampai merata;
Cara menggunakan: diminum 1 kali sehari.
2. Eksim
a. Bahan:1 umbi wortel dan 1 sendok teh kapur sirih;
Cara membuat: wortel diparut dan dicarnpur dengan kapur sirih
sampai merata;
Cara menggunakan: ditempelkan pada bagian yang sakit dan
dibalut dengan verban.
b. Bahan: 3 umbi wortel;
Cara membuat: diparut dan disedu dengan 2 gelas air masak;
Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari.
3. Cacing Kremi
Bahan: 5-7 umbi wortel, garam dan santan kelapa secukupnya;
Cara membuat: wortel diparut, kemudian ditambah dengan bahan
Cara menggunakan: diperas dan disaring, kemudian diminum
menjelang tidur malam.
4. Mata Minus
Bahan: umbi wortel secukupnya;
Cara membuat: diparut dan diperas untuk diambil airnya;
Cara menggunakan: diminurn setiap pagi hari secara teratur.
Kandungan lain sudah senyawa polipeptida yang mirip insulin disebut polipeptida, khasiatnya menurunkan kadar glukosa darah secara langsung, terdapat pula senyawa alkoloid yang memiliki peranan serupa, pare pun invitrot menghambat virus hiv dan tumor, penemuan lain buah pare batang berkhasiat untuk melawan kanker.
Buah pare merupakan tanaman merambat dengan buahnya yang berbintil – bintil dalam beberapa lajur, ada juga yang berbentuk tidak berbintil – bintil disebut pare ulo (pare ular ), walau terasa pahit banyak masyarakat percaya bahwa buah pare berhasiat untuk diabetes.
penyakit diabetes, terjadi karena ,kadar glikosa cenderung naik, zat karatin pada pare berhasiat hipoglesemik (menurunkan kadar gula darah) yang atas senyawa sepsin stroid yang berkhasiatnya lebih kuat dari pada tobutamida, zat ini mentimulasi sel – sel b sehingga meningkatkan produksi hormon insulin, peningkatan sel-sel b kelenjer pankreas memperkuat hipogusemik buah pare.
Cara penggunaannya
- 200 gr buah pare dicuci bersih lalu diblender. Tambahkan air minum secukupnya. Peras dengan spotong kain sampai terkumpul seperempat glas. Hangatkan perasan dengan api kecil selama 15 – 30 menit. Setelah dingin ,minum , lakukan setiap hari.
- 200 gr buah pare dicuci lalu di iris – iris tipis. Rebus dengn 3 gelas air bersih sampai tersisa 1 gelas setelah dingin disaring. Minum, lakukan setiap hari
Friday, January 3, 2014
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia is a disorder of eating disorders . Patients suffering from anorexia nervosa assess their excess weight and choosing lean figure as an ideal shape . DSM - IV distinguishes two types of anorexia nervosa . In this type of limited , weight loss is achieved by severely restricting food intake ; - type eating in excessive - depletion , the people concerned are also routinely overeat and then remove it . Various differences between the two subtypes of this reinforces the validity of separation . Subtype - draining overeating seems more psychopathological nature ; patients showed personality disorders , impulsive behavior , stealing , abuse of alcohol and drugs , withdrawal from social interaction , and attempt suicide more than the limited type anorexia patients .
The criteria of the DSM - IV - TR for anorexia Nervosa , namely :
1 . Refusal to maintain normal body weight
2 . Although his weight is very less , but experiencing profound fear of becoming obese .
3 . Body image disturbance
4 . In women who have experienced menstruation , amenorrhea occurs .
Anorexia nervosa usually occurs in the early to late teens , often arise after a series of diet and the stress in her life . This condition is at least ten times more common in women than men , with a lifetime prevalence below 1 % ( Striegel - Moore et al . , 1999; Waltres & Kendler , 1994) . When anorexia nervosa occurs in males , symptomatology and a range of other characteristics , such as the story of the family conflict , broadly similar to that spoken women who suffered with the disorder ( Olivardia et al . , 1995) .
The anorexia nervosa patients are often diagnosed with a bunch of depression , obsessive - compulsive disorder , phobias , panic disorders , alcoholism , and various other personality disorders ( Godart et al . , 2000; Ivarsson et al . , 2000; Walters & Kendler . , 2004) . Although he was skinny , women who suffer from anorexia nervosa feel that some part of their body is too fat and spend a lot of time observing critically their bodies in front of the mirror .
physiological disorders
A lot of biological disorders can occur in underweight patients , but most seem normal physiological response to starvation . clinically significant
abnormalities may occur in cardiovascular , gastrointestinal , reproductive , and fluid and electrolyte systems . This disorder usually does not require specific external treatment , and they returned kenormal in weight restoration . A possible exception worrying reduced bone density , as is usually the peak bone density is achieved during young adulthood , prolonged episodes of anorexia nervosa during the development stage
may have long-term impact on the risk of osteoporosis .
What Factors Cause Anorexia ?
1 . Biological factors
Genetic . Anorexia may occur in one family . First-degree relatives of adolescent girls who suffer from anorexia nervosa has a ten times greater likelihood than the average to suffer from anorexia nervosa (ie , Storober et al . , 2000) . Studies of twins related eating disorders also suggests a genetic influence . Most of the studies on anorexia nervosa showed a higher level of concordance in MZ twins compared to DZ ( Fichter & Naegel , 1990; Holland et al . , 1988) and the gene has a greater effect on people who suffer from eating disorders twins compared with factor - environmental factors ( Wade et al . , 2000) .
Eating Disorders and the Brain . The hypothalamus is the brain center that is important in regulating hunger and eating . Levels of some hormones regulated by the hypothalamus , such as cortisol , are not normal in patients with anorexia nervosa , but m not cause anorexia , but due to the condition starve themselves , and return to normal levels with increasing body weight ( Doerr et al . , 1980; Stoving et al . , 1999) . Endogenous opioids are substances produced by the body to mengurasi pain , improve mood , and suppress appetite , at least in those who meimiliki low weight . Opioids are produced under conditions of starvation and considered instrumental in snoreksia and bulimia , but in a different way . Hunger in patients with anorexia can raise the levels of endogenous opioids menyebkan euphoria conditions that provide positive reinforcement ( Marrazzi & Luby , 1986) .
2 . influence of Sociocultural
Throughout history various standards have been established community about the ideal body , especially the female body ideal , highly variable . By modern standards the women were overweight. In the last times the ideal standard in American culture moving toward an increased trim . For example , the participants increasingly slim beauty contest since 1988 . Several studies in the 1990s showed that this trend has decreased ( Wiseman et al . , 1992) . Nevertheless , a recent study failed to support these ideas .
Influence of gender . One of the main alsan over the prevalence of eating disorders in women greater likelihood is the fact that the standard Western culture reinforces the desire to be thin in women than men .
Various cross-cultural studies . Eating disorders seem to occur more in the industrialized societies , such as the United States , Canada , Japan , Australia , and Europe . , Compared nonindustri society . In a study conducted in Switzerland epidemiologisyang , the incidence of anorexia nervosa increased four-fold from the 1950s to the 1970s ( Will & Grossman . , 1983) .
Ethnic differences . In the United States , have been reported incidents of anorexia carry eight times more common in white women than in black women ( Dolan , 1991) . A variety of more recent studies confirm more eating disorders and dissatisfaction with body shape larger among white women compared among African American women , but the difference in the actual eating disorders , especially bulimia , it was not as big as reported ( Wildes , Emery , & simons , 2001) .
How to view Psychological Theory Against Anorexia ?
· The views psychodynamics
There are many theories about the psychodynamics of eating disorders . Most of the main causes are found in parent-child relationships are disrupted and agreed that some important personality characteristics , such as low self-esteem and perfectionism , found in individuals who have eating disorders . Various psychodynamic theory also states that the symptoms of the eating disorder becomes a fulfillment of some needs , just as increasing the sense of self-efficacy through successful maintaining a strict diet or not grow sexually by being very thin so it does not achieve the body shape of a woman in general ( Goodsitt , 1997 ) .
· Cognitive - Behavioral views
A variety of cognitive-behavioral theory of anorexia nervosa covers many of the factors described above . fear of obesity and body image disturbance hypothesized as factors that motivate the self- starvation conditions make weight as a full-power amplifier . Behavior to achieve or maintain the collapsed skinny negatively reinforced by anxiety reduction will be obese . What's more , dieting and weight loss can be positively reinforced by feelings , own, control or self-control thereof ( Fair - burn , Shatran & Cooper , 1999; Garner , Vitousek & Pike , 1997) . Another important factor that produces a strong urge to trim and body image is disturbed criticism from peers and parents about overweight is experienced ( Paxton et al . , 1991; Thompson et al . , 1995) .
What To Do Against the Prevention of Anorexia ?
Actually there is no specific prevention can be done to prevent disruption of Anorexia Nervosa , but anorexia can perform handler - handler early in order not to get worse , among others :
1 . Biological handler
The drugs used in an attempt to deal with anorexia nervosa , unfortunately , it was not very successful . There is only very little success with drugs to increase the weight significantly , also did not alter the main symptoms of anorexia , or provide significant additional benefits in the standard program management of inpatients ( Attia et al . , 1998; Johnson , Tsoh & Varnado , 1996) .
2 . Anorexia Nervosa Psychological Treatment
Therapy for anorexia nervosa is generally believed to be a two-stage process . The immediate goal is to help patients gain weight in order to prevent medical complications are very necessary ( and also to ensure that the patient eat foods ) . Program operant -conditioning behavioral therapy successful enough to gain weight in the short term ( Hsu , 1991) . The second objective in the management of maintaining weight gain in the long term , can not be reliably achieved through a variety of medical interventions , behavioral , psychodynamic or traditional ( Wilson , 1995) . Family therapy is the main form in the treatment of anorexia , rooted in the theory that the interaction between the patient's family members , keep in mind that most of the patients are young women who lived with the family . One influential theory in this field is Salvador Minuchin .
According to Minuchin et al . ( 1975) families of children who suffer from eating disorders show some of the following characteristics :
a) Entanglement
b ) Too protective
c ) Rigidity
d ) Lack of conflict resolution
The therapist met with the family in a family luncheon because of conflict -related anorexia is believed to be most noticeable when the meal takes place . The luncheon has three major objectives :
1 ) Changing the role of anorexic patients ;
2 ) Defines re- feeding problems as interpersonal problems ;
3 ) Prevent parents utilize her experienced anorexia as a means to avoid conflict .
The criteria of the DSM - IV - TR for anorexia Nervosa , namely :
1 . Refusal to maintain normal body weight
2 . Although his weight is very less , but experiencing profound fear of becoming obese .
3 . Body image disturbance
4 . In women who have experienced menstruation , amenorrhea occurs .
Anorexia nervosa usually occurs in the early to late teens , often arise after a series of diet and the stress in her life . This condition is at least ten times more common in women than men , with a lifetime prevalence below 1 % ( Striegel - Moore et al . , 1999; Waltres & Kendler , 1994) . When anorexia nervosa occurs in males , symptomatology and a range of other characteristics , such as the story of the family conflict , broadly similar to that spoken women who suffered with the disorder ( Olivardia et al . , 1995) .
The anorexia nervosa patients are often diagnosed with a bunch of depression , obsessive - compulsive disorder , phobias , panic disorders , alcoholism , and various other personality disorders ( Godart et al . , 2000; Ivarsson et al . , 2000; Walters & Kendler . , 2004) . Although he was skinny , women who suffer from anorexia nervosa feel that some part of their body is too fat and spend a lot of time observing critically their bodies in front of the mirror .
physiological disorders
A lot of biological disorders can occur in underweight patients , but most seem normal physiological response to starvation . clinically significant
abnormalities may occur in cardiovascular , gastrointestinal , reproductive , and fluid and electrolyte systems . This disorder usually does not require specific external treatment , and they returned kenormal in weight restoration . A possible exception worrying reduced bone density , as is usually the peak bone density is achieved during young adulthood , prolonged episodes of anorexia nervosa during the development stage
may have long-term impact on the risk of osteoporosis .
What Factors Cause Anorexia ?
1 . Biological factors
Genetic . Anorexia may occur in one family . First-degree relatives of adolescent girls who suffer from anorexia nervosa has a ten times greater likelihood than the average to suffer from anorexia nervosa (ie , Storober et al . , 2000) . Studies of twins related eating disorders also suggests a genetic influence . Most of the studies on anorexia nervosa showed a higher level of concordance in MZ twins compared to DZ ( Fichter & Naegel , 1990; Holland et al . , 1988) and the gene has a greater effect on people who suffer from eating disorders twins compared with factor - environmental factors ( Wade et al . , 2000) .
Eating Disorders and the Brain . The hypothalamus is the brain center that is important in regulating hunger and eating . Levels of some hormones regulated by the hypothalamus , such as cortisol , are not normal in patients with anorexia nervosa , but m not cause anorexia , but due to the condition starve themselves , and return to normal levels with increasing body weight ( Doerr et al . , 1980; Stoving et al . , 1999) . Endogenous opioids are substances produced by the body to mengurasi pain , improve mood , and suppress appetite , at least in those who meimiliki low weight . Opioids are produced under conditions of starvation and considered instrumental in snoreksia and bulimia , but in a different way . Hunger in patients with anorexia can raise the levels of endogenous opioids menyebkan euphoria conditions that provide positive reinforcement ( Marrazzi & Luby , 1986) .
2 . influence of Sociocultural
Throughout history various standards have been established community about the ideal body , especially the female body ideal , highly variable . By modern standards the women were overweight. In the last times the ideal standard in American culture moving toward an increased trim . For example , the participants increasingly slim beauty contest since 1988 . Several studies in the 1990s showed that this trend has decreased ( Wiseman et al . , 1992) . Nevertheless , a recent study failed to support these ideas .
Influence of gender . One of the main alsan over the prevalence of eating disorders in women greater likelihood is the fact that the standard Western culture reinforces the desire to be thin in women than men .
Various cross-cultural studies . Eating disorders seem to occur more in the industrialized societies , such as the United States , Canada , Japan , Australia , and Europe . , Compared nonindustri society . In a study conducted in Switzerland epidemiologisyang , the incidence of anorexia nervosa increased four-fold from the 1950s to the 1970s ( Will & Grossman . , 1983) .
Ethnic differences . In the United States , have been reported incidents of anorexia carry eight times more common in white women than in black women ( Dolan , 1991) . A variety of more recent studies confirm more eating disorders and dissatisfaction with body shape larger among white women compared among African American women , but the difference in the actual eating disorders , especially bulimia , it was not as big as reported ( Wildes , Emery , & simons , 2001) .
How to view Psychological Theory Against Anorexia ?
· The views psychodynamics
There are many theories about the psychodynamics of eating disorders . Most of the main causes are found in parent-child relationships are disrupted and agreed that some important personality characteristics , such as low self-esteem and perfectionism , found in individuals who have eating disorders . Various psychodynamic theory also states that the symptoms of the eating disorder becomes a fulfillment of some needs , just as increasing the sense of self-efficacy through successful maintaining a strict diet or not grow sexually by being very thin so it does not achieve the body shape of a woman in general ( Goodsitt , 1997 ) .
· Cognitive - Behavioral views
A variety of cognitive-behavioral theory of anorexia nervosa covers many of the factors described above . fear of obesity and body image disturbance hypothesized as factors that motivate the self- starvation conditions make weight as a full-power amplifier . Behavior to achieve or maintain the collapsed skinny negatively reinforced by anxiety reduction will be obese . What's more , dieting and weight loss can be positively reinforced by feelings , own, control or self-control thereof ( Fair - burn , Shatran & Cooper , 1999; Garner , Vitousek & Pike , 1997) . Another important factor that produces a strong urge to trim and body image is disturbed criticism from peers and parents about overweight is experienced ( Paxton et al . , 1991; Thompson et al . , 1995) .
What To Do Against the Prevention of Anorexia ?
Actually there is no specific prevention can be done to prevent disruption of Anorexia Nervosa , but anorexia can perform handler - handler early in order not to get worse , among others :
1 . Biological handler
The drugs used in an attempt to deal with anorexia nervosa , unfortunately , it was not very successful . There is only very little success with drugs to increase the weight significantly , also did not alter the main symptoms of anorexia , or provide significant additional benefits in the standard program management of inpatients ( Attia et al . , 1998; Johnson , Tsoh & Varnado , 1996) .
2 . Anorexia Nervosa Psychological Treatment
Therapy for anorexia nervosa is generally believed to be a two-stage process . The immediate goal is to help patients gain weight in order to prevent medical complications are very necessary ( and also to ensure that the patient eat foods ) . Program operant -conditioning behavioral therapy successful enough to gain weight in the short term ( Hsu , 1991) . The second objective in the management of maintaining weight gain in the long term , can not be reliably achieved through a variety of medical interventions , behavioral , psychodynamic or traditional ( Wilson , 1995) . Family therapy is the main form in the treatment of anorexia , rooted in the theory that the interaction between the patient's family members , keep in mind that most of the patients are young women who lived with the family . One influential theory in this field is Salvador Minuchin .
According to Minuchin et al . ( 1975) families of children who suffer from eating disorders show some of the following characteristics :
a) Entanglement
b ) Too protective
c ) Rigidity
d ) Lack of conflict resolution
The therapist met with the family in a family luncheon because of conflict -related anorexia is believed to be most noticeable when the meal takes place . The luncheon has three major objectives :
1 ) Changing the role of anorexic patients ;
2 ) Defines re- feeding problems as interpersonal problems ;
3 ) Prevent parents utilize her experienced anorexia as a means to avoid conflict .
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